Spring Cleaning Tips
4/22/2014 (Permalink)
Spring Cleaning Tips:
Clean your workspace. It doesn't take long for clutter to pile up. Begin spring-cleaning by decluttering and organizing your workspace. Sort files and determine what you really need. Removing excess clutter will not only allow you to find things easier, but will also create a more productive environment.
Start an archive. While organizing your workspace, you may come across files you don’t use daily but still need to keep. By creating an archive, you can save these files and keep your desk clutter free. Maintain your archive by scheduling one day a month to sort through files and keep files organized.
Organize your inbox. Is your inbox overloaded? Organize e-mails by creating folders within your inbox. Organizing files may require an initial time investment but will be a tremendous timesaver in the future. Consider backing up important electronic files and programs as well.
Deep Clean your facility, including the floors. Over time, floors bear the brunt of your daily business. If not properly maintained, they can become dull and dingy. Having floors deep cleaned can improve the overall look and cleanliness of your facility.
Hit the hidden areas. We all avoid the hated, hidden area in our areas in our homes, but now is the time to face the monster dust bunny under the bed. Be ruthless!
Tackle the big projects first. We start with the best intentions to scrub down our down our homes from top to bottom, but somewhere in the middle we run out of stream. Tackle the biggest projects first, or you may never get to them.
Yard sale time! Don’t just chuck your unwanted items. Put them up for sale! You may be surprised to see what could bring in a couple bucks.